The Voyageurettes
The Voyageurettes follows the grotesque exploits of two Canadian women explorers. Armed with only a canoe and their wits, these ladies are trying to conquer the “new world”. This physical comedy is for an all-ages community audience and is performed in a French and English-influenced gibberish. Inspired by historical accounts from the era, this piece deals with need, greed and appropriation. Set to original music, the piece takes us on a lively journey into a bizarre historical landscape. These hilarious nasty women explore the heart and horror of colonialism in the The Voyageurettes.
On April 7th, 8th and 9th 2006 The Chop presented a workshop of The Voyageurettes at the Trout Lake Community Centre.
- Director – Manon Beaudoin
- Dramaturge – James Fagan Tait
- Performers – Emelia Symington Fedy and Anita Rochon
- Original Music -Andrea Young
- Costumes – Emma Carrico
- Props and set – Robin Greenwood
- Stage manager – Naomi Sider